Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Complex and nano-structured liquids and their pratical applications are studied in the group of Werner Kunz. The group of Hubert Motschmann studies interfacial properties with methods from SFG laser spectroscopy to surface rheological experiments. Bulk solutions properties are studied in the group of Richard Buchner by dielectric relaxation, and biological interfaces and their medical applicability are the topic in Rainer Müller's group. Molecular spectroscopy and photochemistry is studied in Bernhard Dick's group by experiments and by theory. Spectroscopy in superfluid helium droplets is done in the group of Alkwin Slenzka. Theoretical and computational research is performed in the group of Dominik Horinek on the field of molecular solvation of biopolymers and colloids.
- Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz
- Prof. Dr. Dominik Horinek
- Prof. Dr. Hubert Motschmann
- Prof. Dr. Richard Buchner
- PD Dr. Rainer Müller
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry
Theoretical Chemistry